This is a product design and re-branding project in one. Fuku burger is a hybrid food joint that serves classic American burgers with a Japanese twist on them. The whole concept revolves around the super-flat 2D art movement in japan and uses those motiffs to create the underlying system for the packaging.
Branding // Logo // Illustration
Illustrator | Cinema 4D | Photoshop
Cobalt is a smart sleep system that allows you to integrate to a number of smart beds. It can keep track of your sleeping habits and give you information on how you can improve your sleep.
Ui/Ux // wire framing // concept & ideation
Illustrator | Cinema 4D | Photoshop | java
This is a re-imagining of the classic newspaper for modern times. It is an exploration in how we organize and consume information. The idea is to strip the newspaper of everything that's not needed, reformat the information and create a new hierarchy.
The L.A. Record branding concept stems from the literal action of recording information, hence the red accent color. Some research on printing processes and layout typography was done because the size of the body copy, the ink bleed and the amount of ink used and paper medium dictated how a lot of the project was designed since it created some constraints.
Typography // Layout // concept & ideation
InDesign | Photoshop | Illustrator
Book jacket design for a series of books that contain a running theme. The books are 1984, Ghost in the Shell and Fahrenheit 451. The concept is control over information and the illusion of truth. The front cover contains the actual information, while the back of the book is a glitched and corrupted mirror of the front. The idea and method of distortion also parallaes the stories in the book. In GITS the corruption is done through data glitching, Fahrenheit 451 it's through a smoke transition process and in 1984 it's through a manual manipulation of the actual sheet of paper, much like how the main character redacted information.
Book Jacket Design // 3D modeling // Layout
Processing | Cinema 4D | Photoshop | Audacity | Hex-editor
The Design Through Input art installation is my senior show thesis project and something I have been thinking about for a while. I have always been interested in procedural design and interactive landscapes and spaces that can change and adapt based on human input and other variables.
This small installation is my first step in exploring that concept. I wanted to design a cool interactive space can take in human input and output a design.
The project takes in depth data and maps it to geometry. The distance from the camera dictates the shading and the strongest shaded geometry in the scene is followed around by particles. The whole installation wall becomes a digital canvas people can walk up to and play with. It's a reactive piece that also reflects the information present in the room. Namely the people in front of the camera and their motion.
The piece is currently moving from show to show and will probably have residency somewhere in L.A. It's still an on going and evolving project.
Space Installation // Interactive // Experimental
Illustrator | Touch Designer | Kinect
Olympic brand design for the Los Angeles games. The concept behind the project was to take what makes LA special; and create a brand new pictograph system and brand from that.
Los Angeles is a diverse melting pot with a vast amount of cultures inter-mingling with each other. So I used color and shape to translate that into a design motif that can be traced through out the system.
The idea of the "melting-pot" and this combining of cultures is echoed in the logo and color scheme. This idea of puzzle pieces and modularity is also translated into the pictographs. The Olympic pictographs are made from the same structure that was used to create the logo. The pieces where turned into modules that could be arranged into different shapes to create the pictographs. Allowing the whole system to have a cohesive look while at the same time allowing you to create new pictographs quickly and easily.
Branding // pictograph // Illustration
Illustrator | Photoshop